FNG获悉,总部位于伦敦的外汇经纪商流动性技术提供商FXCubic已聘请Rui Jin担任亚太区销售总监。
Rui Jin曾担任多个零售外汇和差价合约(CFD)经纪商的中国区负责人,包括TradeNext、Tera FX和伦敦资本集团(LCG)。他还曾在GKFX(现为Trive)、HYCM、ActivTrades和Alpari工作过。Rui担任海通国际证券集团有限公司在英国的首席运营官(COO-UK)。
FXCubic是一家为机构和零售经纪商提供低延迟和高性能交易连接的公司。该公司为金融行业提供MT4、MT5和多元化交易平台插件及桥接技术,并提供低延迟的定价和执行引擎。FXCubic由首席执行官Ege Kozan在伦敦管理。
FNG has learned that London based FX broker liquidity technology provider FXCubic has hired Rui Jin, as Sales Director APAC.
Rui Jin was previously Head of China for a number of Retail FX and CFDs brokers, including TradeNext, Tera FX, and London Capital Group (LCG). He has also previously worked at GKFX (now Trive), HYCM, ActivTrades, and Alpari. Most recently, Rui was COO-UK for Hong Kong based broker Haitong International Securities Group Limited.
FXCubic is a low latency and high-performance trading connectivity provider for institutional and retail brokers. The company offers MT4 and MT5 Plug-ins and bridging technologies for the finance industry, and provides a low-latency pricing and execution engine. FXCubic is run from London by CEO Ege Kozan.