护像我们的女儿这样敏感而脆弱的灵魂。 LGBTQ儿童非常需要学校成为他们的避风港,因为他们年纪小,非常无助,他们的大部分时间在学校度过,而老师和辅导员通常是他们除了父母外唯一可以信任的人。由于与父母谈论性别问题通常会让他们感到非常害怕,而且风险很高,如果学校这扇门也对他们关上,他们将无处求助。 2)我们女儿的故事并非个案,而是普遍现象。许多LGBTQ学生及其父母仍然处于完全孤立的状态。 自从格蕾丝出柜后,我们通过她姐姐的大学朋友接到了许多家长的电话和短信,他们都在为同一问题而苦恼:如何走过恐惧和悲伤的过程,最终真正接纳并完全支持我们的LGBTQ孩子。我们还参加了几个支持小组,与经历相同过程的跨性别儿童及其父母交谈和分享。我们曾作为自杀预防顾问为LGBTQ青少年提供志愿服务,为许多遭受自我伤害甚至考虑结束自己生命的LGBTQ青少年提供帮助。 事实上,许多孩子仍在承受折磨。无论在什么地方,他们都需要可以对他们信任的人倾诉,如果他们相信我们的学校辅导员不会向父母透露,那么学校辅导员将是他们最好的倾诉对象,这也是我们现行学校政策5756中规定的主要观点。 对于我们学校里的孩子来说,一个愿意倾听的耳朵可能是他们的生命线,否则他们可能会像格蕾丝一样,在完全孤立的状态下度过整个青少年时期。就是现在,一想到女儿所经历的漫长的痛苦岁月,我们仍然会流泪。从我们从未谋面的华人父母打来的电话和短信以及特雷弗自杀预防热线(Trevor suicide prevention hotlines)的聊天记录来看,目前仍然有许多这样的孩子在我们社区内外。 3)我们理解人们可能会对不了解的事物感到恐惧。他们可能会担心,当学校为跨性别儿童制定保护政策时,会有更多的孩子成为跨性别者。他们希望学校对每个学生都是安全的。我们理解这一点。 但根据我们的经历和作为跨性别儿童父母的理解,以及我们与数十名其他LGBTQ青年的接触,事情并不是这样的。我们的女儿非常想成为“正常人”。他们所有人都是如此。他们并不是为了追随/模仿任何人,因为他们天生就知道自己不得不走的是一条多么艰难的道路。他们没有选择这条路。他们不可能有另一种活法。 我们的女儿并不是从任何人或任何媒体那里得到这个“想法”的。如果社会不够包容,我们猜想会有更多的人在没有我们所知的明确原因的情况下自杀,或者很多人无法真正投入生活,或者是终其一生都抑郁焦虑。 LGBTQ人士就像我们中的任何一个人一样;我们相信,无论我们多么害怕未知,我们都必须经历、审视并接受它,这是人性的一部分。我们的学校可以成为孩子们寻求安全和舒适的地方,在这里,对未知的恐惧得到解决,而不是被回避。 当我们到达隧道尽头的光明之后,作为一个新家庭,我们开始创造美好的回忆。如果有机会见面,我们很乐意向您展示我们的家庭照片。爱之光照亮我们的生活,恐惧再也无法藏身。 这可能意味着一个心爱的孩子的生或死。 4)最新数据显示,我们的LGBTQ人群,尤其是跨性别者,仍然是一个非常边缘化和脆弱的群体。 引用GLAAD(The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,同性恋反诋毁联盟)网站的话:“即便是没有成为被攻击目标,没有被骚扰、被骂,也没有承受身体的物理伤害,即便在这样的情况下长大已经足够困难了 —— 而LGBTQ青年面临上述所有风险的可能性极高。他们中76%的人在学校经历过言语骚扰,其中50%的人没有报告欺凌行为,因为他们认为没有人会干预。” 根据美国国立卫生研究院国家医学图书馆发表的一份研究论文(《跨性别青年中的自杀倾向:彰显人际风险因素的作用》),82%的跨性别者曾考虑过自杀,40%的人曾尝试过自杀,其中跨性别青年中的自杀率最高。看到这些令人震惊的高比例数字,想象这些数字背后是那么多受苦受难的孩子,任何父母都会心碎。 从格蕾丝的案例中,我们清楚地知道这些孩子是多么脆弱和敏感。如果废除第5756号政策,对某些孩子来说,这可能意味着眼看着一扇门冲着他们关上了,而保留该政策则意味着在黑暗中点燃一支蜡烛,为他们指明方向。在极端情况下,这甚至可能意味着一个心爱的孩子的生或死。 万一,我们的一个跨性别学生因为我们今天的投票而伤害自己,我们会有什么感受? 在结束这次心与心的分享之时,我们想强调,我们坚信我们的LGBTQ政策对我们所有人都有深远的影响。虽然LGBTQ学生是少数,但我们永远不知道我们的孩子或他们最好的朋友是否是其中一员 —— 直到她告诉我们,我们从未想过我们的女儿会是其中之一。 正如圣雄甘地所说:“衡量一个社会的真正标准在于它如何对待最弱势的群体。”我们对待LGBTQ青年的方式既反映了我们社区的道德结构,也决定了这种结构。废除第5756号政策将传递一个强烈信息,而这与我们社区引以为豪的价值观背道而驰。我们强烈敦促董事会认识到你们的决定所传达的信息的严重性,并在投票前积极听取我们的LGBTQ学生及其家人的意见。 让我们传递爱的信息,恐惧将无处藏身。 感谢您的关注,我们期待您的回复! ———-[英文版本]———- Dear xxxx School District BOE members: Our names are xxx and xxx, we have been xxx town residents at xxxxx adress since 2004. We are writing to you for two reasons: 1) To share a simple version of our family’s story and our parents’ struggles on the road of supporting our transgender daughter, to show why it is so important to keep Policy #5756 as a lifeline for some transgender students and their families. 2) To request one or more private meeting sessions with any board members who are willing to hear more details of our story, or to engage in any discussions about the lessons we learned in the process. We got to know about this voting only a couple of days ago from our friend Dr. xxxx. We feel that this is a very important policy that any action to it will send a big message to our whole Holmdel community, and our families with transgender students will be most affected. More discussions with members of this community are clearly needed before the final voting. We can be reached at xxxx by phone call or text to schedule an appointment at any time. Our xxx town story started with us moving to this lovely town in 2004, with two beautiful children, at that time, a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year-old son. We attended numerous award ceremonies in those BOE meetings as proud parents while our kids thrived at xxx and xxxx schools. They truly loved our schools. When our second child was in 7th/8th grade, things started to go wrong. She (her current pronoun) became socially anxious, afraid to speak in classes, and had panic attacks. Although she seemed to be doing OK academically in high school (she attended xxx Highschool), she stopped going to school activities and started to shy away from people. She went through most of her adolescent years anxious and depressed. We as parents were of course very concerned and tried to help in whatever ways we knew how, including talking to teachers and counselors, but nothing seemed to help. She finally came out to us as transgender when she was 17 in the spring term of her junior year in high school, when she told us she felt she couldn’t go on living anymore without hormones. And she told us she had started to struggle with her gender identity ever since she was 11 years old. When she started to grow taller and taller, she felt her body was terribly wrong, and she wanted to stop it, but she couldn’t, she felt afraid, ashamed, and alone in countless dark days and nights. We were shocked at the revelation to say the least. Although as supporting parents we thought we were, we reassured her that it was fine, that we accepted her 100%, and that everything would be fine. But we remember many nights after that, we dreamed about our son coming back. We grieved the loss of the imagined child we had, and felt our lives were falling apart. Our own fears hidden behind the shallow words of support of course were sensed by our child, and she tried to please us by not mentioning her transitioning needs anymore. During two years following her coming out to us, she continued to be depressed and not socially transitioned, no energy to study or make friends, extremely anxious and stressed. Our whole family felt afraid and alone. The school at that time had no policies to protect transgender students’ needs. The simple action of going to the bathroom in school could bring huge stress, even panic attacks. With our dear child suffering everyday, we as parents were still in a dream, having a secret hope that maybe when she went to college, or when she got a girlfriend, she would finally get less “confused”, and our son would eventually come back. We finally woke up two years later, when our child, who had been hiding in her college dorm room at her college most of the time, texted us: “Mom and Dad, it’s too late. I know I’m a girl, and my life will never work”. That night, when our child’s life was in danger, we finally realized that what we needed to get back was not a son, but a dear child who would be happy and alive! We asked her for the first time: what is your name, my girl? She answered without hesitation Grace. I called myself Grace since I was 11. We think that question we asked may have saved our child’s life. A new child and a new family were born that night. We drove to her college overnight to get her to a nearby hospital, and she was prescribed hormones right there. With full support from her family, and the people around her, Grace started to smile again, after suffering in the shadows silently for more than eight long years. Those were precious years lost for her social growth and development. Even if Grace gradually felt better about herself, the years of self loathing and struggles during those adolescent years took a big toll on her mental health and self esteem. But we feel really happy and lucky that she is still alive today, happy and healthy, gradually healing from her wounds by spending time with the kids she now tutors math every day. This is the story of us as “loving parents” we thought we were, and our 23 year old transgender daughter’s life and struggles with her gender identity. From these experiences, we have learned the following lessons we would like to share with all of you: 1) Yes, all parents love their children, but they may not have the tools and emotional capacity to support their childrens’ gender explorations. We thought we were loving parents. But we made costly mistakes. We thought we would do anything for our kids, but when it came to gender identity, our ignorance about the issue at the time and our own fear and grief prevented us from truly being there for our child for the first couple of years after she came out to us. We later learned from support groups that parents were usually the last people that those kids dared come out to because the stake was simply too high for them. If our daughter could find somebody to talk to in school without being worried about parents being informed, it would have saved her years of utter isolation and shame. How we wish there were a policy like the existing 5756 that served to protect those sensitive and vulnerable souls like our daughter, when we parents could be frozen with fears of their futures and our own loss of an imagined child, which prevented us from providing adequate support they desperately need. LGBTQ kids need our schools to be a sanctuary for them so badly, because they are young and powerless, they spend a large amount of time in school, and teachers and counselors are usually the only adults they trust other than their parents. Since talking about gender issues with parents usually feels very scary and has a very high risk for them, they would have nowhere to turn if our schools shut the door on them. 2) Our daughter’s story is not an isolated case, but rather represents a common pattern. Many LGBTQ students and their parents are still suffering in total isolation. Since Grace came out, through her sister’s college friends, we got calls and messages from many parents struggling with the same issue: how to go through fear and grieving processes, and eventually reach true acceptance and fully be able to support our LGBTQ children. We also went through several support groups, talking and sharing with transgender kids and their parents who were in the same processes. We had volunteered with the Trevor Project as a suicide prevention counselor serving LGBTQ youth, answering heart breaking chats from many LGBTQ youths who suffered to the point of self-harm, or even thinking about ending their own lives. The fact is that numerous kids are still suffering. They need anybody, in any place, that they can trust, to talk to, and our school counselors would be a great first person for them if they could trust that the counselor would not be obligated to share it with their parents, which is the major point stated in our current school policy 5756. A listening ear in our schools can be the lifeline for those kids who would be otherwise suffering in total isolation, like how Grace spent her whole teenage years. Thinking of our daughter’s long painful years still brings tears to us. There are still many of those currently in and out of our community, judging from the calls and texts we got from Chinese parents we never met, and the chats we got from Trevor suicide prevention hotlines. 3) We understand that people may have fears about things they don’t understand. They may fear that when schools have protective policies for transgender kids, more kids may become transgender. And they want the schools to be safe for every student. We get that. But based on our experience and our understanding as parents of a transgender child and our experiences with tens of other LGBTQ youth, it doesn’t work that way. Our daughter tried to be “normal” so badly. They all do. They don’t want to follow anybody because inherently they know what a terribly hard path they have to walk through. They didn’t choose the path. They had no other ways to live. Our daughter didn’t get this “idea” from anybody, or any media outlet. If the society were not accepting enough, we guess we would find a lot more people committing suicide without clear reasons, or a lot of people going through life without truly being able to be engaged, or simply depressed and anxious throughout their lives. An LGBTQ person is just like any of us; We believe no matter how we fear the unknown, we need to go through it, examine it, and accept it as part of our humanity. And our schools can serve as the place where children find safety and comfort, where fear of the unknown is addressed instead of avoided. After we reached the light at the end of the tunnel, we have been building beautiful memories as a new family. We would love to show you our family photos if we get a chance to meet in person. With love shining as light in our lives, fear has no place to hide anymore. 4)Latest data shows that our LGBTQ population, especially transgender people, is still a very marginalized and vulnerable group. Quoting from GLAAD website: “Growing up is hard enough without being targeted, harassed, called names, or physically harmed — and LGBTQ youth are at extremely high risk of all of the above. 76% have experienced verbal harassment at school, and 50% didn’t report bullying because they didn’t think anyone would intervene”. According to a reseach paper published on NIH’s National Library of Medicine (Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: Elucidating the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors), 82% of transgender individuals have considered suicide, and 40% have attempted one, with suicidality highest among transgender youth. Reading those shockingly high percentage numbers and imagining so many suffering children’s faces behind those numbers can break any parent’s heart. From Grace’s case, we know exactly how vulnerable and sensitive those kids are. If Policy 5756 is repealed, for some kids it could mean a door being thrown shut in their face, and keeping the policy could mean lighting a candle in darkness to lead their way. In extreme cases, it can literally mean life or death of a beloved child. How would we feel in our heart if God forbid one of our trans students did something to hurt themselves because of our vote today? To conclude this heart to heart sharing, we would like to emphasize that it’s our belief that our LGBTQ policy profoundly impacts us all. Although LGTBQ students are a minority, we never know if our children or their best friends are one of them — I never thought my daughter would be one until she told us. As Mahatma Gandhi is credited with saying, “The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” The way we treat LGBTQ youth serves as both a reflection and determinant of our community’s moral fabric. And repealing policy 5756 would send a strong message against the very values our xxxxx community prides itself on. We strongly urge the Board to recognize the gravity of your decisions with the message it sends, and to actively engage with the narratives of our LGBTQ students and their families before casting your votes. Let’s send the message of love, and fear will have no place to hide. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to hearing from you! 来源:加美财经lg...